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Elrika Erasmus

Elrika Erasmus

I co-create success stories with my clients by applying evidence-based psychology compassionately and creatively in the coaching framework.

Location: Hertfordshire

Year Qualified: 2015

Areas of Expertise


"I just wanted to say thank you from me and D for the sessions I had over the last weeks. They've made a big difference. This week I finally felt back to 'normal' and my mum says I sounded so much better. I will still follow up with the doctor today. I can’t believe how different I feel to this time last month, and how low I was. Now I have a plan for my business and I will take it one day at a time. I look forward to working with you again when these bits are in place. Huge thank you for your support."

Katherine, restarted her business and mum to teenagers

"Elrika spoke to me at an absolute low point, when chronic stress build-up had utterly clouded my ability to think straight or remember the joy in life. Her simple, reassuring suggestions slowly worked their way through the stress layer, providing a much-needed light at the end of a dark tunnel. I'm enormously grateful."

Will, digital graphic designer who felt overwhelmed by life and career progression

"Just wanted to say that I got my results today and I actually ended up with a distinction! I'm completely delighted and over the moon. I just want to say thank you, I really truly could not have done this without your support, I cannot overstate the difference your help has made to me in the past two years. I was the procrastination queen, and you helped me to clearly see what I need to do next, and how to do it without getting scared."

ER, an accountant and young mother who took time out of her career to complete a master's degree

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    Coaching Qualifications

    • Certificate in Executive Coaching & Leadership Mentoring (ILM Level 7) - University of West England Bristol Business School
    • Master's Degree in Counselling Psychology - University of Pretoria, South Africa
    • Certificate in Supervision Skills - British Psychological Society and SDS Training
    • Lego Serious Play Facilitator - Rasmussen Consultancy

    Professional Background

    Before I expanded my career into coaching, I worked as a psychologist in private mental healthcare in London. I saw individual patients, ran psycho-educational and therapy groups and engaged with corporate clients on behalf of the hospital. I also provided supervision for clinical and non-clinical staff.

    At the same time, I also established a private practice. My clients ranged from families and children to doing trauma work for Employment Assistance Programmes. I taught some modules in psychology and still enjoy working in higher education.

    I also volunteered my skills in mentoring youth workers and supporting the local council with interventions for the elderly.

    What drew you to coaching?

    In the therapy room, I was often struck at how many serious mental health challenges could have been prevented if only individuals had had some coaching or support much earlier. I wanted to make a difference before clients became patients. I supervised various clinical and non-clinical staff at the hospital, and my interest in coaching peaked.

    After a decade in London and with a growing family, we moved to the countryside. I knew it was the perfect opportunity to do additional training and branch out into coaching.

    Since I trained as a coach in 2015, the field of ‘Coaching Psychology’ has become a recognised category by the British Psychological Society. I am happy to be part of this growing field where I can use my clinical knowledge to support when necessary and co-create success stories with my clients.

    My clients reach out to me when they are overwhelmed by life and need someone to help them look at what is going on and the options for going forward. Together we develop creative solutions, mindset changes, or compassionately wait for a difficult season to pass.

    I keep women’s health and hormonal states in mind when I support my clients, such as pregnancy and menopause – which can affect our mental health.

    Besides coaching, I am still involved in part-time clinical consulting at Cambridge University and independent research. I enjoy applying evidence-based science to my coaching and seeing clients create positive change in their lives and careers.

    Fee Structure

    Self Pay: Individual sessions: £150 per hour

    Self Pay: Package of six pre-paid sessions: £720 (£120 per hour)

    Corporate Pay: Individual sessions: £180 per hour

    Corporate Pay: Package of six pre-paid sessions: £900 (£150 per hour)

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