“You can’t pour from an empty cup.” Sound familiar? Whether you’ve shared this wisdom with a client or had it shared with you, the truth remains: in the whirlwind of client, patient, or people-facing roles, it’s all too easy to feel like you’re pouring from an almost empty cup. As compassionate professionals, our dedication often extends well beyond the confines of the consulting or meeting room.

When we look after other people’s needs, it’s crucial to recognise that neglecting our own well-being can lead to burnout. Burnout can hinder our ability to help others effectively. Regular self-care isn’t just a luxury—it’s a pathway to personal and professional growth. Let’s explore three compelling reasons why engaging in regular self-nurturing is a game-changer.

Setting the Example:

Prioritising self-care transcends personal choice; it’s about setting an example for those we serve. Clients and patients don’t just seek our professional expertise; they look to us as role models for a balanced and healthy lifestyle. Demonstrating a commitment to self-care showcases the importance of maintaining harmony between our work and personal lives.

Fuelling the Energy Reservoir:

Balancing our roles might leave us running on empty, providing support without replenishing our own energy. Proper self-care makes sustaining the enthusiasm and energy required to assist others more manageable. Regular practices like exercise, mindfulness, and sufficient rest are essential fuels, keeping the passion for our work burning brightly.

Creating Space for Growth: 

Self-care is the key to preserving energy and making room for professional and personal growth. Whether through individual sessions, supervision, or peer support groups, reflection offers invaluable insights. A supportive environment allows us to give and receive support, fostering growth and learning.

How will you incorporate self-care? 

Making self-care a priority can be as straightforward as scheduling it in your diary, but savvy women will leverage the power of external accountability. Consider joining a supportive peer group or seeking guidance from a coach for one-to-one meetings so you can ensure you’re consistently filling your cup.

In conclusion, self-care is a necessity, not a luxury, for professional women navigating demanding roles. By prioritising well-being, we set a positive example and ensure we have the energy and space needed to support others effectively. Whether through reflective groups or individual sessions with a coaching psychologist, investing in self-care becomes a cornerstone for sustained professional and personal growth.

This article was written by our partner coach, Elrika Erasmus, director of Coachmind Consulting. Elrika is an HCPC registered Practitioner Psychologist and ILM Level 7 Executive and Leadership Coach. She applies psychological expertise to coaching frameworks when consulting as a Coaching Psychologist – and helps her clients build their success stories. You can contact her at elrika@coachmind.net  or via her profile page.