To give your best to your family and your career, the number 1 thing every working mother needs to remember is that self-care isn’t selfish, it’s a necessity. 

As someone once said, you can’t pour from an empty cup … and so why is it that the majority of working mothers put health and wellness at the bottom of their priority list? It breaks my heart to see this constantly, knowing that the impact of making it a priority will be so significant, not only for the working mother but for everyone around her, including her employer.

I know life as a working mum can feel like a whirlwind, especially when you’re juggling work, family and everything in between – but imagine a life in which everything falls into place more easily, you have greater clarity on the decisions you make, you have more energy to tackle all your tasks and, rather than just getting through the day, you’re thriving and ready to handle whatever the world throws at you.  

It is possible to turn this dream into reality! Some may need the support of a coach, whilst others may already know the pathway to success.

Take the first step to self-care, today

Start by scoring yourself on your commitment to health and wellbeing as you stand today.

Look at a number between 0 and 10.

Decide what you would like that number ultimately to be.

And now start to work on the options and a plan to get you there.

It could be as simple as building in solutions like drinking more water or batch cooking to eat healthier or, more complex, where you need to build in more time that you don’t currently have. For example, you know the benefits that exercise provides to you but work pressures are pushing you physically and mentally. Even if you did find the time to exercise more, you’re often too tired and the guilt you already feel about not spending enough time with the family is getting you down. The need to reprioritise your life’s needs and wants becomes essential … but you can’t do it on your own.

You’ve got this 

Whatever your situation, you’re not alone and coaching is here to help every step of the way.

I offer one-off coaching sessions for those needing support in this space. Please do not hesitate to message me at  if you would like an initial introductory call.

This article was written by Sue Payne, one of our partner coaches who is a coach and mentor with 20 years of leadership experience. Sue supports women to realise their full career potential at key life stages- returning to work, peri menopause, becoming an entrepreneur.  You can get in touch via her profile page.