Do you groan every time someone advises you to grow your professional circle? Do you feel increasing pressure to network more, adopt social media platforms, and form or join communities that keep expanding, for both personal and professional reasons?

You are not alone. Networking is often seen as an exercise in manipulation, designed to get you a professional opportunity that would normally be out of your reach. I believe it’s time to change that perception. Understand the science behind networks, and then leverage your networks in ways you might never have thought of in the past.

These three simple ways could help you build and nurture a useful network for personal and professional success.


  1. Revive Dormant Networks
  2. Meet People From Diverse Backgrounds
  3. Connect Through Mutual Friends


David Burkus, co-author of the book “Friend of a Friend: Understanding the Hidden Networks That Can Transform Your Life and Your Career” reveals what the best networkers do. One of the things he advises us to do is reconnect with old friends and renew dormant ties. It is easier to form a relationship with dormant ties than complete strangers. This could be your first step if you are a reluctant networker.

Be open to meeting people from diverse backgrounds and cultures. It will broaden your worldview and help you appreciate and understand multiple perspectives.

Last, but not least, try to meet new people through common connections. The more people you know, the more connections you can make, and the greater your access to career success, overall happiness, sense of community, and quality of life. Even though some people are possessive about their connections, they may ease up if you offer to introduce them to someone who might be of interest to them.

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This article was written by  Nerice Gietel, one of our partner coaches who helps women to align their careers with their life goals by using tools and coaching conversations that help them to increase their self-awareness and use this knowledge to take actions. You can get in touch via her profile page, visiting her website    or on Instagram