Imposter syndrome is one of the many stumbling blocks that often comes up with my clients but there are ways of managing it some of which I would like to explore in this blog.

Firstly, what is imposter syndrome? Imposter syndrome is a fear of failure or that of being a fraud and is more common than you might suspect.

I suffered from imposter syndrome for many years and occasionally, I still do! I used to spend hours thinking I wasn’t good enough, why would clients choose me and compare myself to others, especially on social media. So, I thought it might be helpful to share with you some tips and tools that can help you remain confident, release the fear blocks and help you move forward whether that be in your business, heading back to work or in new challenges.

1. Story and Triggers

Imposter syndrome usually has key phrases or feelings that are said on repeat, despite evidence of your success and achievements. These thoughts and feelings are part of your story – something that may have happened in the past to make you feel like this. They can be related to some of the key beliefs that are ingrained in you, possibly from an early age, but to address the problem, you have to bring these thoughts to the forefront of your mind without criticism or judgment.

After identifying the repeated thoughts and phrases from your story or background, you are then able to look and understand any possible triggers. Once you are aware of the triggers such as overwhelm or uncertainty, you have more clarity and are more conscious of what drives your imposter syndrome. This helps you be more prepared to manage them.

2. Switch or Flip Exercise

One of the easiest ways to deal with imposter syndrome is to switch negative thoughts into positive ones. Whenever you have a negative thought, flip it into a positive affirmation or declaration. This helps you feel differently about the thought and helps you take a different action.

Some examples of switching the negative thoughts are:

  • I can’t do this to I CAN do this.
  • I’m not experienced enough to I have more experience than most.
  • I have lost a client to I have space for a new client.


3. Boundaries

Having specific boundaries in place ensures that you have enough energy to serve yourself, your clients and your business properly. Boundaries have the power to instil a sense of self-worth and self-respect both of which help to deal with imposter syndrome. By having boundaries in place you can step into who you truly are and in turn, combat any negative thoughts that are holding you back.

4. Mindset

Everything starts in the mind and what you feed your brain, is where your energy flows. If you are not getting the results you desire, you are not feeding your mind with the right things – if you want something different, you have to think differently. Try and replace the toxic, negative thoughts that aren’t serving you with something more positive. Having a good daily routine can help with this. Part of that routine could be writing down some positive affirmations, journaling or simply staying off social media.

5. Self-Care and Self Compassion

Don’t overestimate the power of self-care and self-compassion. By looking after yourself, giving yourself the time and space you need can have a positive impact on your mindset. Be kind to yourself and learn to recognise the times when you may need to take a break and focus on yourself. Surround yourself with people who bring you joy and uplift you.

Overcoming imposter syndrome takes time and effort, however, by identifying what works for you, you are better placed to deal with it and put it firmly back in the box!

If you need support putting these into practice or want someone to hold you accountable, feel free to  book a free discovery call with me, I’d love to help!

This article was written by Ella Biggs, a mindset coach and a partner coach with Careering into Motherhood, who specialises in supporting women with their business growth. By developing practical strategies to gain clarity, confidence, and control, she helps her clients to achieve both their business and personal goals. You can get in touch via her profile page.