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Lin Courage

Lin Courage

Professional Life & Mindset Coach, I help women seeking peace & control amidst the busyness of life, life transitions, parenthood & leadership to move from self doubt & stress, to confidence & happiness.

Location: Devon

Year Qualified: 2020

Areas of Expertise


Lin provides a safe environment for you to talk openly. Taking you from your past and present to your future self. The person you always wanted to be. She gives you the ability to see the power you already have to take your own life forward. Lin is magic and will forever be my empowerment coach. Thank you so much for your time and dedication. You have helped me change my life forever.

Gemma F. Business Owner

Lin was recommended to me by a friend who'd worked with her & said she's fab! I love her calm tone. She makes me feel in control & that there is meaning in every action. She helped me find my priorities to re-align how I think about things. The biggest change has been that the cloud has gone. My husband has noticed a change in me & I feel so much more at peace.

Sarah C. Business Owner

I was constantly juggling and I found my self esteem was holding me back in really believing in myself and accepting opportunities. Over the course of our sessions, Lin listened and wasn’t judgemental at all. Through her coaching, I was able to move past so many things that were holding me back. It was like I was being shown a mirror and the things I believed were true about myself, really weren’t.

Charlotte H. Business Owner

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    Coaching Qualifications

    • Certified Professional Life Coach
    • Certified Practitioner of Neuro Linguistic Programming
    • Certified Master Practitioner of Neuro Linguistic Programming

    Professional Background

    Prior to leaving my career & subsequently setting up my coaching practice in 2020, my professional background was in sales & management with the majority of my career being within the property industry.

    In 2019 I accepted a promotion that I felt would take me back to the path that I had set out on before starting a family, but I quickly came to the realisation that this was no longer the path I desired.

    The life balance that I had worked hard to create felt unsettled & I felt at odds with who I was trying to be.

    A throw away comment about how much time I was spending with my boys tipped the balance for me & in the Summer of 2019 I decided to step away from my almost 20 year career in the property industry with the intention of spending the next academic year with my three boys before my youngest started school & my eldest started secondary school.

    I quickly began to grow a passion I have for food into a food coaching business before retraining to become a Life Coach in 2020. The unexpected & unplanned challenges, life shifts and perspective changes that the pandemic brought not only to my self that year, but the women that I was working with gave me the focus and conviction to support women to achieve their ambitions no matter what.

    I adored leading, teaching & training in my career and I love that I have been able to bring & apply these skills and passions to my coaching practice – helping my clients to uncover how they can integrate who they truly are into their life in business, relationships, motherhood, lifestyle & beyond!

    What drew you to coaching?

    My coaching journey really began back in 2015 after the birth of my youngest son. We had experienced a number of BIG life events & I realised that I wanted to find more peace & direction in my life.

    I had desire & ambition but felt blocked by the reality & busyness of my day to day & unfulfilled by my present career. I felt disconnected from who I was & pulled between my career & my desire to be present as a mum.

    I hired my first life coach to help me get clarity of what I really wanted & I soon realised that it was my own limitations & expectations that made life feel chaotic.

    The real turning point for me was seeing my eldest son use the same self deprecating language that I had been using myself, & how quickly that changed when I began to break through my own barriers.

    Our family life became calmer & more connected. My relationship with my husband became even stronger & I felt so much clearer about what I would & would not tolerate any longer.

    It is such a privilege to support other women to create that balance for themselves. To re-educate on the importance of working from the inside out – when you put YOU first, everyone benefits.

    I believe that lasting & sustainable change comes from connection with who you truly are so that you can show up authentically in all areas of your life. My philosophy with my clients is YOU first.  The relentlessness of modern life, motherhood, career or business & our ‘plugged-in’ way of life, serve to take you away from who you are. In a world where we are more CONNECTED than ever, we are more DISconnected from ourselves than ever before. 

    I teach you how to work from the inside out & coach you to find the answers and growth that you seek without adding more to your day.  

    Fee Structure

    All CiM members may benefit from a one-off 10% discount off all full price coaching packages.

    Free Connection Call 

    This is the first step in working with me. The relationship between coach & coachee is so important & founded in trust and mutual connection. This session is designed for us both to explore your needs and make sure that I am the right coach for you. This support might be one of the private coaching options below or group coaching depending on your objectives and goals.

    Return to YOU 

    3 month 1:1

    Step into self love with this 1:1 journey.

    Life transitions, experiences and challenges can throw you off course leaving you feeling derailed by life and adrift from who you are.

    It is my mission and passion to bring you home to YOU.

    We will design your journey together in alignment with your present challenges and objectives and explore & connect with your identity, create a vision of your desires & goals & create a step by step path to take you there.

    Month 1 – Embrace

    Reconnect with who you are. Create an understanding of what has brought you to this point and bring your goals and desires to the forefront of your life.

    Month 2 – Embody

    Take action towards your goals and step into who you desire to be in this phase of your life.

    Month 3 – Evolve

    Check in on your progress, alignment and objectives. Reflect on what has changed since you began this journey and create a plan and vision of what is to come next.

    Return to YOU is for you if you know that there is another level in life for you & a specific achievement you wish to accomplish. Maybe Motherhood, your career or even your relationship has taken you away from who you thought you were. Maybe you have a burning desire to do, achieve and experience new things in your life.

    Return to YOU will teach you how to work from the inside out so that you can prioritise your needs and dreams, break free from self doubt and overwhelm and step into the confidence, happiness and success you deserve.

    £1,100 for 9 sessions over 3 months

    (3 sessions per month with a one week break between each phase)

    Payment plans are available.


    Build your coaching journey with these building blocks of 6 sessions.

    This is the perfect follow on to the above or if you are navigating specific challenges that require a more tailored approach.  

    Six, 60 minute sessions led by you and your day to day, week to week experiences. We will design your journey together with either weekly or bi-weekly sessions to FLOW in alignment with where you are in life and what you want to achieve.


    Payment plans are available.

    Lead With Love 

    Confidence, authenticity and presence in leadership and business comes from being true to who you are. 

    If you have ever experienced the pain of imposter syndrome, crippling self doubt and low self esteem – this is for you.

    We will tap into your life accomplishments, values and skills to shape the identity that truly reflects you and the success you crave and deserve.

    We meet monthly for up to 90 minutes to reflect on the month that has been and plan and create the month to come.

    This coaching journey is designed for the busy leader, business owner, coach or creator with full WhatsApp contact to maintain connection in between sessions.


    Payment plans are available.

    Need something more bespoke and in-person? 

    Elevate your life and coaching experience with an in person journey in exquisite surroundings. Please email me for more details and to design your bespoke coaching day or programme at

    Next steps…

    If you have any questions or you would like more details relating to any of the options above please do not hesitate to contact me or book your free Connection Call to meet me & discuss your needs face to face.

    My Marvellous Mind Membership Experience 

    A 12 month journey to reconnect you with who you are so that you can master all those elements and create true control over your experiences.

    It is time to fall in love with YOU & LIFE again. 

    Join a group of likeminded women to find direction & purpose beyond your day to day & create a vision of a future to feel excited about.

    The journey begins in September 2024

    Join the waiting list here 

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