When you become a Mum it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and lose your sense of self due to the demands on you when your life revolves your family and work. You may be feeling like you’re not sure who you are anymore.
Whether you are thinking about changing your career, starting a new hobby or creating new healthy habits to support your wellbeing, these 6 steps to discovering your authentic self will support you to get started on the journey of rediscovery.
1. Visualise who you want to be
When working with clients the first thing we do is complete a visualisation exercise to get crystal clear on the life they want and who they want to be. It’s important to take a holistic approach and include all the aspects of your life. Find somewhere quiet and take 5 minutes to sit with your eyes closed and visualise who would you like to become. How does it feel? What are you doing? Who do you want to show up as? What do you want you need to acknowledge yourself for? What does success look like?
Capture your visualisation either by drawing it or writing it down. Put it somewhere where you can see it to remind you every day as you take steps towards being your authentic self.
2. Understand your values?
Build on your vision by identifying what your top 5 values are and write them down. What’s important to you? (examples are; Connection, respect, trust, kindness, creativity). Understanding your values will mean that when you’re setting goals, they have purpose and are in alignment with who you are.
3. Set your goals
Goal setting will help you to take action and more forward. It’s important that you set yourself goals that are realistic so, that you feel that they are achievable. Break larger goals into smaller manageable steps to remove the overwhelm. Set yourself timescales that are realistic. Make it enjoyable so, that you have fun on the journey to rediscovery.
Remember to take into consideration what you have going on in your life when setting your goals so, that you set yourself up for success!
4. Prioritise your wellbeing
Your wellbeing is important and so, prioritise your own self care by creating healthy habits and a balance between achieving your personal goals whilst working and looking after your family. Make time to nurture your physical, emotional, and mental wellbeing to go for a walk, practice mindfulness or just chill with a cuppa, choose an activity that is enjoyable for you. It’s easy to say I don’t have time but making a conscious effort to create 5 minutes for self-care every day and then increasing it will make a difference to how you feel, your energy levels will improve so, that you are motivated to work towards your goals.
5. Embrace your imperfections
What is perfection?! Perfection is unachievable. So, be kind to yourself and embrace your imperfections as they are a part of your identity and make you, you! Give yourself the space to make mistakes and learn from them. Acceptance and celebrating who you are will support your growth.
6. Surround yourself with support
Surround yourself with likeminded people who understand and appreciate you. They are your cheerleaders! Share your vision and goals with them so, that they can support you with encouragement and advice making your journey towards achieving your goals and finding your authentic self, more fulfilling.
Remember when taking the steps to identify your vision and set yourself meaningful goals to become your authentic self, to embrace flexibility along the way, life is unpredictable.
Be kind to yourself, prioritise your wellbeing and embrace your imperfections you are on a journey of transformation which takes time. Surround yourself with a community that gives you a sense of belonging so, that you can stay true to yourself.
This exciting journey is ongoing and unique to you, remember to celebrate your progress and learn from your experiences as you rediscover your authentic self. By investing in your personal growth you’re creating a positive impact on everyone around you.
I’d love to have a chat to see how I can support you to step into your power through coaching. Please visit my profile page where you can book an intro call with me.
February 1, 2024